Student Id Card

Submit your Student ID Card info

One of the best things about being a student, is getting loads of discounts!

[icon_text box_type=”normal” icon=”fa-camera” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”top” icon_margin=”0 0 28px 0″ icon_size=”fa-4x” use_custom_icon_size=”yes” custom_icon_size=”45″ title=”Student ID Card” title_tag=”h3″ separator=”no” text=”Please fill out the form”]

If you’re a student at Experiencia, you must apply for a student card. The card allows students access to the school and discounts in Puerto.
You will receive your student card upon arrival

  • We´ll keep it private, it´s just for internal reference.
  • Tipos de archivos aceptados: jpg, png, Tamaño máximo de archivo: 100 MB.
    Please upload a Small photo of your face 🙂